Homes for the working week
Advertise and find the best rooms to rent from Monday to Friday today.
Read one of our inspiring landlord & lodger success stories.
Commuting too far? Starting a new job? Working on a project away from home? A Monday to Friday room could solve your problem.
MondaytoFriday has been putting working-week landlords and lodgers together successfully for nearly 20 years.
It might be for weeks, months or even years. Search the site and you’ll find rooms in flats, houses, country cottages - even houseboats – across the UK. Check out our MondaytoFridayers' Guide to MondaytoFridaying to find out more about finding a great place to stay in the working week.
MondaytoFriday landlords share their homes with reliable, professional people who need a place to call theirs from Monday to Friday. You can earn up to £7,500 tax free each year through the Government's Rent-a-Room Scheme. Look at Hosts' Guide to MondaytoFridaying before you get started.
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